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by enzo silon surin





The distance between all bodies of matter
in the solar system is an Astronomical Unit,
or AU, which means all dark space in Space
is measured in spans too immense to grasp—
yet light travels within such spaces—it takes
499.0 seconds for light to travel from the sun
to Earth—1 Astronomical Unit it takes light
to travel between two distances and be seen—
which means the distance between a hand and
a gun is measured by how fast light travels
between two human beings orbiting the same
block—on the one hand, this means there isn’t
a way to tell the difference between a known
or rogue planet wandering the cosmos without
stars—to make suspect out of them or gun out
of wallet, an asteroid to be blasted from the sky.



& because you don’t believe me when I say
I think the air is trying too hard not to fill
my lungs. Because it should be easy. It should
be easier. To breathe. But I wear atmosphere
like a blue skin. And learn to become familiar
with the word strata. It means: a region
of atmosphere; a layer of tissue deep
stratum of the skin; a layer in which
archaeological material (such as artifacts,
skeletons, and dwelling remains) is found
on excavation; a part of a historical or socio-
logical series—a period of development; a
socioeconomic level of society—especially
regarding education or culture; a statistical
subpopulation. I’m convinced. I am the miles
between the moon and here. Dark. Still. Matter.

Enzo Silon Surin is a Haitian-born writer, educator, speaker, publisher and social advocate. He is the author of three collections of poetry, When My Body Was A Clinched Fist (Black Lawrence Press, 2020), and the chapbooks, A Letter of Resignation: An American Libretto (2017).

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