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The American Poetry Journal Award Nominations

For Pushcart Prize XLI, 2017

Nominations announced December 2017


Ösel Jessica Plante's “Wishbone”

M.J. Arlett's “Seedlings”

Elidio La Torre Lagares' "disaster #2: wooden fish ears”

Ruth Thompson's “Lightness, High Desert”

Jeffrey Morgan's “Translation”

Benjamin Gucciardi's “The Book of Indecision”

For Pushcart Prize XLII, 2018

Nominations announced December 2018


Chelsea Hrechuk Dingman's "Ceremony"

John Sibley Williams' "Restoration"

Martha Silano's "It will have started as a small comb"

Stevie Edwards' "Some Form of Depression"

Nicole Rollender's "If I Could Have Been Born the Lord's Dog"

Sophie Segura's "Quemadero, or Farewell to a Husband’s Homeland"

For Sundress Publications Best of the Net, 2017

Nominations announced July 2018


Jill Alexandra Essbaum's "Outside"
Steve Mueske's "Quatervois"
Chelsea Dingman's "Ceremony"
Angela Maria Spring's "Yesterday the President Said He Loves Us In Barbed Wire"
Faylita Hicks' "Blackened Tilapia & Citrus"
Kevin Coyne's "On Mission in Haiti"


For Sundress Publications Best of the Net, 2016

Nominations announced July 2017


Ösel Jessica Plante's "Wishbone"
Doug Sutton-Ramspeck's "Prayer for Wasps"
Jeffrey Morgan's "The Epileptic's Guide to Time Travel"
Carolee D. Bennett's "Ornithophobia, Diffused"
Amy Bracken Sparks' "For When You Need a Colder Power"
Pamela Johnson Parker's "CODA: out of"

For Bettering American Poetry Vol. 3, 2017 

Nominations announced April 2018


Tzynya L. Pinchback's "How to shave your head after the first chemotherapy cycle"

Lara Egger's "Sweet Boy"
Jeffrey Morgan's "Translation"

For the Rhysling Award in Speculative Poetry, 2017

Jeannine Hall Gailey's "One More Attempt at Disaster Preparedness" 

For The 2019 Orison Anthology

Nominations announced September 2018


Chelsea Hrechuk Dingman's "Ceremony"

John Sibley Williams' "Restoration"

Martha Silano's "It will have started as a small comb" Lane Falcon's "Prodigal"

Angela Maria Spring's "Yesterday the President Said He Loved Us in Barbed Wire"

Rajani Radhakrishnan's "Pickled Mangoes"

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